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Broadway Extends Shutdown Through June

Photo Taken By Megan Talley (2019)


By: Megan Talley

NEW YORK - As the COVID-19 Pandemic spreads through the US, and especially New York City, the Broadway League has lengthened its shutdown through June 7th, after it was originally scheduled to reopen on April 12th, according to This is all in correspondence with NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Center for Disease Control.

In a statement from Broadway League President, Charlotte St. Martin, the decision comes out of an abundance of caution for “the health and well-being of Broadway theatergoers and the thousands of people who work in the theater industry every day,” and that they’re looking forward to “the time when we can once again experience live theater together.”

This news follows the recent closure of the London West End productions lasting through May 31st, but is expected to be extended as COVID-19 is ravaging through the UK with over 60,000 cases, as of 4/8/2020 according to The Guardian. According to NYC Health on April 7th, New York has over 138,000 cases, with NYC alone having over 76,000 positive cases and counting. The US has over 400,000 cases.

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