April 23, 2020
By: Tyler Dancisin
Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf, announced on Wednesday his plan to slowly reopen the state. In partnership with the PA Department of Health and Carnegie Mellon University, the state of PA will now operate in a three-phase reopening plan.
In the Red Phase, which the whole state is currently in, Pennsylvania residents will only operate in life sustaining businesses, large gathering are prohibited, and it is highly encouraged to only travel when essential. Stay at home orders will also be enforced in the Red Phase and schools and childcare facilities will be remain closed.
In the second stage or named the Yellow Phase, working at home will still be recommended but strict stay at home orders will be lifted in favor of mitigation. Schools, gyms, casinos and movie theaters will still remain closed in the yellow phase. Gathering of more than 25 people will be prohibited as well.
In the Green Phase, or the final stage, all businesses will be allowed to reopen, however they must follow and adhere to CDC guidelines. In social settings, all individuals will still be recommended to wear facial protection but will not be required.
The plan is to not move the whole state into these phases at the same time, but rather reopen different regions and counties that are ready due to their strong mitigation efforts. As of April 23rd, Pennsylvania has seen a cumulative total of 35,684 cases of COVID-19 across the state, however the new number of confirmed cases is dropping more and more each day. Governor Wolf assures residents living in the state that the health and safety of all Pennsylvanians are of the highest priority.